Star Trek: 30 Greatest Ever Villains
Resistance is futile.

Given that Star Trek has been going for fifty years it has accumulated its fair share of villains.
Some of course are terrible; The Original Series is packed with alien threats that were essentially people painted green with a toilet roll tube on their head (or something fairly similar to this template) but as the series has progressed it has expanded to include a formidable rogues gallery.
The Star Trek universe is incredibly diverse. The Gamma Quadrant posed a completely different risk to Starfleet than the sensible Alpha Quadrant, and Janeway faced off against entirely new threats in the uncharted Delta Quadrant. Now that J.J. Abrams has reinterpreted traditional villains and created new ones in his alternate timeline, there are even more enemies to consider.
The cheap and cheesy special effects have been replaced with expensive CGI, which would have been unimaginable at the shows inception, and these have created some massive foes for Stafleet’s finest to face off against.
There are enemies of pure muscle, then there are the Machiavellian enemies who have fantastical schemes and the means to carry them out. Each is charming in their own sort of way, after all what is a hero without a good villain?
30. Kahn
930003Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Kahn is arguably the greatest Star Trek film to date, and despite only appearing once on the show, Kahn proved to be a fantastic villain
And all of that despite never appearing on the same set as Kirk.
Who is your favourite Star Trek villain? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.