The New Ghostbusters Trailer Hasn't Even Been Released On YouTube

It's better... if you squint a little.

Ghostbusters Slimer
Sony Pictures

"What do we think of these Ghostbusters? Are they to be taken seriously?" asks a news reporter in the new trailer for Bridesmaids With Slime. It's just one of many, many meta-references to the backlash against the remake nobody wanted, wants or will ever want; Leslie Jones asks if "it was a race thing or a lady thing," the 'Busters pull faces when Chris Hemsworth makes a bad joke. Heck, the trailer was first released on Twitter, where there's no dislike bar to be thumbed down into oblivion.

So Sony are aware they have something controversial on their hands, that much is clear. But does the new trailer actually do anything to assuage the worries? I guess so, if you squint a little...


The big thing that jumps out is the extent of the bright, ethereal CGI; while extensive computer effects are never great, the fact this looks so colourful has me intrigued. Get past that though and it's business as usual. The same level of iffy jokes are there (we've got out-of-place pop culture references, extended gross-out beats and plenty of awkwardness), they're just not leaned on as much. In an attempt to get people on board (because this tactic worked so well for Batman V Superman), the tease ruins some pretty big things too; it looks like Chris Hemsworth's receptionist is going to be a possessed antagonist and there's a last minute reveal of the big bad, a giant version of the ghost in the logo.

Overall, I'm not convinced this promises a better movie, just that it's a more smartly edited trailer. But who knows. After all the bitching there's been about this film compared to every other iffy-looking upcoming movie, I almost want this one to be good, although nothing is getting me excited. It doesn't help I'm not a big fan of the original Ghostbusters, so am more inclined towards apathy here. What do you think? Have your say down in the comments (because you sure as hell can't YouTube).


Ghostbusters is in cinemas from July 15th.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.