Thor: Ragnarok - 10 Huge Spoilers From The Comic Con Trailer

5. Asgard Sees A Lot Of Death (Including Hogan)

Thor Ragnarok Hela
Marvel Studios

We've already seen shots of Hela attacking Asgard, with a fairly clear suggestion that she's going to wipe out every line of defence the planet has almost effortlessly, and there's more of an indication of her murderous victory in the Comic Con trailer.

The background of her spell-binding shots in Asgard reveal the remains of the Asgardian army lying in tatters, and given how big that force is shown to be elsewhere, it's clear she has QUITE the kill-list...

Thor Ragnarok Hogan
Marvel Studios

Even more interestingly, it appears that he defence is led by Hogun (Tadanobu Asano), who returns to the film as part of the Warriors Three.

Given that the immediate aftermath of this battle suggests that the entire defending force is wiped out, this doesn't look good for Hogan. And there's also the fact that he's completely expendable standing against him too. Expect this to very much be his last stand.


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