We Won't Find Out Rey's Backstory Until Star Wars Episode 9

Colin Trevorrow promises a "profoundly satisfying" answer.

For those of you who have been pulling their hair out with stress at the ongoing mystery of Rey's true identity, the director of Star Wars Episode IX is here to tell you to stop worrying, and maybe quit that pulling lest you go bald. Talking with Entertainment Tonight, he's spoken of how he's already "scribbling down" ideas for the story he wants to tell, and that includes a worthwhile wrap-up to the mystery surrounding the new trilogy's protagonist.
"We're going to make sure that that answer is deeply and profoundly satisfying... Rey is a character that is important in this universe, not just in the context of The Force Awakens, but in the entire galaxy... She deserves it. We'll make sure that that answer is something that feels like it was something that happened a long time ago, far away, and we're just telling you what happened."
See now, that to me sounds like they've yet to actually come up with an answer. They probably have, and it's entirely conceivable that J.J. Abrams and his braintrust came up with the answer a long time ago, but perhaps they have since changed their mind and now think that maybe Rey should be related to someone else instead. Who knows. Writing a movie is a very fluid thing and a hard thing to get right - especially something as iconic and meaningful to so many people like Star Wars is. What should horrify fans is that we all may have to wait until the release of Episode IX in 2019 before we find out who Rey's family are. That'd be a real punch in the nuts.

Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.