WhatCulture.com's 10 Most Read Articles Of 2019

It's not all Star Wars. Honest...

Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Poster 2

It's that time of the year again when people say things like, "Well, that was fast" and, "Oh, January feels like it was five minutes ago".

Nobody can doubt that the passage of time sometimes feels like it's ever-quickening in the modern world. Pop culture has been changed forever by the meteoric rise of social media, and this morning's news is borderline yesterday's news by lunchtime. Such is life, but it's sometimes nice to stop and smell the roses.

One thing's for sure: WhatCulture put out a lot of content, and you did a lot of reading. These are the 10 most-read articles of 2019, a year that brought blockbuster entertainment delights to the masses and depressed everyone by killing off more of our favourite celebrities. Oh yes, life moves quickly.

There's a neat blend of film, comic book culture, TV and pro wrestling in here. The variety shows off the dignified cultural diversity of this here readership, and it also proves that 99.9% of humanity remains obsessed with their own mortality.

On that cheery note, Happy New Year to one and all!

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Star Wars
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.