X-Men Days of Future Past: 10 Mutants We Want To See
With the surprise announcement from Bryan Singer last weekend that his sequel to X-Men: First Class, Days of Future Past, was to feature some talent from the prior trilogy of X-Men films - specifically Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde), Anna Paquin (Rogue), and Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) - it got us thinking who else from X-Men lore should show up in the hugely anticipated blockbuster. The Days of Future Past comic arc is vast and expansive, giving Singer a lot of room to either elide or include whichever characters he so wishes without screwing up the overall continuity or tone of the series. Naturally, there are some characters who just won't be a good fit, while there's others who we're simply dying to see on-screen once again, and some who can be woven into the narrative in an interesting, clever way if Singer is so inclined. With its complex time-travelling storyline, there's no doubting that Days of Future Past has the potential to be a wild, unpredictable, thrilling ride even to those who are familiar with the highly acclaimed source material. Here are 10 mutants we want to see in X-Men: Days of Future Past...