During the U.K. red carpet duties for Sucker Punch which opens in the U.K. on Friday, director
Zack Snyder told
HeyUGuys that his
Superman: The Man of Steel will be kept totally separate from the newly announced
Justice League movie that
WB president Jeff Robinov said we can expect in 2013.
Like what Chris Nolan is doing and what Im doing with Superman, what theyll do with Justice League will be its own thing with its own Batman and own Superman. Well be over here with our movie and theyll kinda get to do it twice which is kinda cool.
Right - so let me get this straight so nobody is confused - You are ending Chris Nolan/Christian Bale's Batman trilogy with
The Dark Knight Rises next year - then you are beginning Henry Cavill and Zack Snyder's time with the Superman universe later in 2012 - BUT then both characters, played by different actors, will appear in Justice League in 2013 - before yet another actor playing Batman reboots that franchise a little further down the road? Let me go and lie down.... Seriously though, what the hell? And where does
Ryan Reynolds as
Green Lantern fit into all this? Is he part of the JLA continuity, or is it just totally it's own separate thing? You know the only news that could put me in a better mood tonight is if WB turned around tomorrow and told us that
Robert Zemeckis was working on a motion captured Justice League movie based on the designs of
Alex Ross, which clearly would be it's own thing and would be totally fucking cool.

But we've been here before with this project and it wasn't cool then and it sounds dumb as hell still now. WB tried to pull this multi-characters/universes on screen shit four years ago when George Miller tried to get his film with
Armie Hammer (Batman),
Adam Brody (The Flash),
D.J. Cotrona (Superman),
Common (John Stewart's Green Lantern) and Australian supermodel
Megan Gale (Wonder Woman) onto film... before fan backlash and Chris Nolan's dismissal, along with a writer's strike and other production delays in Australia, scuppered the movie completely. WB are self destructing their biggest film franchise in a greedy, totally rushed way to establish themselves as a universe which their rivals Marvel have perfected over a slow build since 2008 and someone needs to get hold of Robinov and shake him up, because audiences aren't going to for three Batman's probably in five years. They aren't going to go for a different Green Lantern in a movie every year. WAKE UP WARNER BROS, FOR FUCKS SAKE