Indiana Jones: A Visual History

100% guaranteed snake free.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark Alfred Molina Death
Paramount Pictures
A whip is a useless weapon, his fedora would fly off the moment he jumped on a horse and no human body can take that much punishment. Legitimate points, but it doesn't matter because Indiana Jones is just so damn cool. Ever since he first stopped that treacherous assistant in the Peruvian jungle Indy's been one of the definitive action heroes, turning Harrison Ford from that space smuggler to one of the world's biggest movie stars. And, taking on Nazis, Russians and devil worshippers, he's made the job of an archaeologist infinitely cooler than it is in real life. Despite being almost thirty-five years old, the franchise is far from belonging in a museum, as exciting today as it was back in the eighties. Even though there were almost two decades without any movies released, the series has remained constantly relevant, with a wealth of tie-in material ensuring Indiana Jones has been relevant to multiple generations. In fact, there's been so much auxiliary material to the (three-quarters) beloved movies that finding your way though the Indiana Jones mythos is pretty tricky. Come along and see just how crazy and non-stop the Indiana Jones franchise has been. It's not bad for something named after a dog (seriously - George Lucas' pet was called Indiana).

13. The Future

Raiders Of The Lost Ark Alfred Molina Death

When Disney brought Lucasfilm in 2012, they also got the rights to Indiana Jones.

As of yet this hasn't amounted to anything - much of the effort is going into Star Wars - but once they figure out a way to reboot the franchise, you can bet there'll be more Indy to come.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.