10 Best Basketball Video Games Of All Time

1. NBA 2K11

LeBron James, NBA 2K17
2K Sports

Containing probably the best opening in sports games history, NBA 2K11 allowed the gamer to recreate the most impressive moments of Michael Jordan's career. Running the game for the first time, the gamer was positioned behind MJ, hearing the legendary track by Alan Parsons Project in the tunnel. Then they were able to play as Jordan in a game against the Lakers in MJ's first NBA Finals.

The vgame did the seemingly impossible and topped that opening by allowing the gamer to really become Jordan and play as him in the modern NBA. It also improved the MyPlayer and Association modes, the commentary was better than ever, the graphics really polished. The ultimate selling point, however, was Michael Jordan.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.