10 Best Basketball Video Games Of All Time

3. NBA 2K1

LeBron James, NBA 2K17
2K Games

Coming back to streetball, NBA 2K1 was the first game of the series that took NBA players to legendary ball parks like Rucker Park or The Cage for games of not only one on one, but five on five as well. This was really innovative and fresh, as you could mix NBA legends with present-day superstars, form ultimate superteams, and dominate your opponents.

The player customization system was the most advanced in any basketball game to date and so was the gameplay, which allowed the gamer to exhibit all sorts of low-post moves. It was with NBA 2K1 that the developers signaled that they were more interested in making the series a simulation of the real thing, while EA Sports preferred to create games that could be enjoyed by everyone.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.