10 Best Basketball Video Games Of All Time

2. NBA Live 2000

LeBron James, NBA 2K17
EA Sports

This was the first Live game which starred Michael Jordan, here as a member of the '90s all-decade team - one of 5 available in the game. You could play him/as him in a game of one on one, along with other superstars from the previous eras.

The soundtrack was another impressive element of the game, with Rahzel, Run-DMC, and Naughty by Nature being a large improvement over generic - although quite funky - tracks from previous games. NBA Live 2000 set new standards when it came to in-game music in basketball video games.

Graphically the game was an improvement over the previous installment, and the gameplay was also smoother, although still more arcade than simulation based. Arguably, this was the last NBA Live that was better than NBA 2K, but the opinion depends on whether you played it on a console or a PC.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.