10 Criminally Underrated Video Game Sequels Nobody Played
Where'd everybody go?!
Whenever a truly great game gets a sequel that lives up to its predecessor, it should, in theory, be a cause for grand celebration. Considering how many bad sequels there are in gaming - and the world of entertainment in general - you would think that anytime a developer manages to capitalise on the hype and defy the odds, their next instalment would immediately enter the minds of gamers everywhere. Yet, gaming history is filled with cases of great sequels that just went by without anyone ever taking notice. Now, maybe that's not strange for those that weren't into the original, but even the established fanbase the developers and publishers were counting on just let them pass by, all with barely any acknowledgment they exist. And that's a shame. Not only should good sequels be celebrated whenever they appear, but these 10 games happen to be particularly great experiences that not nearly enough people took the time to play.