10 Horniest Characters In Video Games

8. Micheal Thornton - Alpha Protocol

The mundanely good-looking protagonist of Alpha Protocol is your classic alpha male ladies' man. He's tall, dark, handsome, and also something of a psychopath. Between missions for the CIA, Thornton can hook up with several of his female allies, and is even capable of sweet-talking each one of them to bed. In one scene with the sultry German mercenary SIE, Thornton is tied to an operating table and has little objection to her forcing herself on him. Not to be fazed by trivial things like giving his consent, Michael goes along with the dirty deed. Yet, Michael is quite as happy to murder these women as he is to sleep with them. At crucial points of the game, he can choose to execute his former flames, never failing to utter a naff, dead-eyed joke as he despatches them. Horny, handsome and utterly remorseless, Michael is pretty much video games' answer to Patrick Bateman.
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.