10 Most Expensive Video Games You Didn't Know Exist

These cost more than Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring and Red Dead 2 combined.

the ascent vr experience
Fury Games

Video game prices can be a touchy subject. Nowadays, the average Triple-A release will set you back about £70. Many gamers debate whether this is a fair trade, especially considering the number of games being sold at the industry standard price in unfinished conditions.

Still, a good, fully optimized video game is entirely worthy of that price. However, not all games are created equal, and some soar even higher as they're simply worth more. At least, that's what the developers want you to think.

One of the best places to search for games, cheap or expensive, is Steam. The digital retailer is a bastion of gaming, running the gambit from the biggest new releases to independent pre-launch titles.

Within this platform is a selection of games that go way, way, way above the standard pricing, and it's easy to argue that their quality doesn't justify it.

These ten titles are, at the time of writing, the absolute priciest on the platform. So, you'll need to dig deep into your Steam wallet if you fancy any of them.


Prices are accurate to UK Steam listings at time of writing. This list will be set in Great British Pounds (GBP), and will only include single releases.

10. Forest Spring - £167.99

the ascent vr experience

Do you want to enjoy a short but sweet first-person shooter that puts you in a beautiful forest and lets you tackle advanced enemies? Well, this game does some of that in that it's set in a forest and is an FPS. As for the advanced enemies, you might want to return to COD for that.

Forest Spring is a short action game that places you in a forest, gives you a rifle, and sends you on your merry way to kill a collection of animals and humans. Sadly, defeating your foes is about as easy as justifying spending £167.99 on the game, as it takes at least a dozen shots to take each NPC down.

The gameplay in this title is dire, as the enemies are such damage sponges you might as well put them in square pants. Plus, the AI is about as advanced as a seesaw, with most enemies simply walking back and forth in a straight line.

To give this game some credit, the general environment doesn't look half-bad, especially considering the game's scale. But you can shell out way less for a Triple-A shooter with an actual story, decent AI, and appropriately scaled enemies.

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The Ascent
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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!