10 Video Game Fourth Wall Breaks No One Saw Coming

8. Metal Gear Solid - Back Of The CD Case

As the Metal Gear Solid franchise developed, so did Hideo Kojima's reputation for unusual moments, strange plot-points and unnecessary fourth wall breaks. In Konami's smash-hit first installment of Metal Gear Solid, the primary method for contacting your allies was via radio codec call, using radio frequencies. After encountering Meryl 'Rookie Eyes' Silverburgh, Colonel Roy Campbell discloses that you should get in contact with his niece, seeing as they are relatives - surely he has her frequency right? Nope, no he doesn't. He does inform you it can be found on the back of the CD case though, how convenient. That's not some weird in-game item, it's literally on the back of the retail cover in one of the stills on the back. It's certainly an intelligent way to prevent progress in bootleg copies. This moment was most unexpected due to the youth of the franchise, this being the literal first moment when the game broke the fourth wall, before it had a reputation of frequently doing so.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.