10 Video Game Relationships Actually Worth A Damn

8. Ico & Yorda - Ico

ico 2001's Ico for the Playstation 2 was an innovative video game, and the core of the game's innovations lies with the relationship between Ico, the boy with horns, and the mysterious, ghostly girl named Yorda. What is truly unique about the relationship between these two characters is that it isn't based on, nor developed by, a script, but by game mechanics. Very little is explained as to why Ico is taken from his village and imprisoned in that huge castle, as well as why Yorda is being chased by the horrifying, dark spirits that emerge from dark portals in the ground. All that matters is that Ico and Yorda must get out of the castle alive, and the core gameplay of the game involves the player (Ico) finding a why out with Yorda while also keeping her safe from the dark spirits. Since Yorda speaks a different language than Ico, the only way he can communicate with her is through the most basic forms of communication. He can call out for her to join him, and he can take hold of her hand and guide her along with him. As the pair move through the castle and conditions become more perilous, the bond between the two becomes stronger, and the player becomes more and more emotionally invested in this relationship. The minimalist nature of game makes the even small moments between Ico and Yorda feel particularly poignant. Seeing Yorda run up to Ico after they solve a cooperative puzzle, and he takes her hand as they move forward into the unknown - there is a very human, innocent quality to the way these characters interact with each other that isn't present in many other games in the medium. Even the rare save points, which are stone benches where Ico and Yorda simply sit down to take a breather, manage to be memorable occasions every time. Few other games have managed to deliver such a meaningful relationship, and even more incredible is that this is done without so much as a spoken word between the two. Over a decade after it's release, Ico remains a textbook example for game developers in the art of using game mechanics to foster relationships between characters. Now, can we please get a release date for The Last Guardian??
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Lifelong resident of Chicagoland and lifelong gamer. Video games are my passion. Also love reading, watching films, playing /listening to music, and traveling whenever I can.