10 Video Games Bosses That Do The Work For You

It's just not their day...

Mass Effect

Boss fights in video games are meant to provide the player with a proper challenge. It’s an important moment that crowns the player’s achievements with a satisfying but difficult test of their skill. However, sometimes the boss is just not feeling it.

Some bosses are simply not looking for a good fight. Either due to their own stupidity or an utter lack of will to live, they decide to throw the fight by doing all of the hard work for you. You don’t need any skills or elaborate strategies to defeat them. Simply let them do their own thing, and eventually they’ll kill themselves for you.

Whether you’re looking for an easy victory or you simply need a good laugh, these boss fights will be right up your alley. No matter how bad you are, these guys will be there for you to ensure that you can’t possibly mess things up.

10. Professor Nakayama - Borderlands 2

Mass Effect

The Borderlands series is well-known for its grotesque humor and over-the-top bosses. The games are not above taking an absolute piss out of their own characters, and Professor Nakayama is certainly one of those poor unfortunate souls who were put on blast.

Professor Nakayama serves as the primary antagonist of Borderlands 2's DLC, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. He is a mad scientist who uses his knowledge of bioengineering to mutate Pandora's fauna and use it for his own evil purposes. Throughout the course of the DLC, the players face off against several of his mutant creatures, and by the end, they get to face Professor Nakayama himself.

The thing is, the scrawny old kook proves to be too incompetent to even start a proper boss fight. When the players come to kill him, he tries to make a big speech about how he can still defeat them, but before he can finish, he trips over and falls down the stairs, breaking his neck.

The best part about this sequence is that each time Nakayama's head hits the stairs, his health bar depletes accordingly, indicating that the man's own clumsiness really did do all the work for you.

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Mass Effect
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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.