14 Pokémon Based On Bizarre Real Life Creatures

5. Mudkip Is A Mudskipper

Mudkip Mudskipper

What Is It?

Mudskippers are fish, but they don't let that hold them back. These guys have developed the ability to walk on their fins over mud flats, chewing up the small plants and animals that flourish there. In order to keep out of the sun and attract a mate, the males dig a deep U-shaped tunnel in the mud, which is no mean feat when you don't have hands.

Fun Fact:

The eggs laid in the tunnels are kept in air rather than water. However, when the tide comes in, the tunnel floods so, to counter this, the male mudskipper has to constantly swim through the flooded tunnel, take a big gulp of fresh air above land, return to the egg chamber and expel the air to replenish the oxygen. It makes you think that there has got to be an easier way.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.