15 Impossible Xbox Live Gaming Achievements Nobody Unlocked

It was called Bladder of Steel for a reason.

Achievements, the one word that to a generation who were in the throes of high school when the Xbox 360 came out, became something that defined every evening of game time, being the perfect reason to revisit any number of titles, play a certain way first time through or just to show off your Gamerscore to any and all that would listen. You felt good when you broke that first 10,000G barrier, most likely still remember which game you first clocked the full 1000 for, and always thought 'that kid' with the 70,000+ score was taking it that little bit too far. Achievements were just one small part of what helped make the 360 the go-to console of choice as oppose to its first-party title-lacking brethren; the forever-fumbling PS3. In recent years Microsoft essentially shot their foot straight off by making Achievements anything other than the driving and identifiable force behind their newest hardware, and following the voice controls n' TV functionality reveal-pitch, have been clawing back that foothold ever since. So regardless of whether you got stuck in and wiled away the hours on any number of obscure (or naff) games just to get the extra points (Lost: Via Domus, anyone?), or you prided yourself on collecting every last one of Crackdown's Orbs, you'll have your own personal checklist of what you felt proud attaining and the ones you threw up the middle digits at instead. This list is very much for the latter - and let us know in the comments if you're one of the ambidextrous finger-whizzes who actually got any of these.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.