Assassin’s Creed: Rogue - 10 Features To Make It Better Than Unity

The long-rumoured AC: Comet has officially become Rogue - but how can Ubisoft keep it relevant alongside the next gen offering?

After months and months of speculation, Ubisoft finally confirmed that what thousands of us thought was going to be titled Assassin's Creed: Comet, is actually Rogue. Featuring Irishman Patrick Shay Cormac, a very intense, moody trailer was released showing him taking out an Assassin, before stating that he "follows own creed."

It's about time Ubisoft took their established mythos and did something different with it, and turning the rules the assassins live by on their heads, opens up some fantastic gameplay possibilities. It seems from what's been shown so far, Cormac is the rogue in question as he seems to be siding with the Templars in this fight - although you can bet he's going to be taking everyone on come the game's end.

With annualised sequels running the franchise into the ground, we were all but done until Black Flag arrived with its pirate-themed boat n' blades gameplay. "Fine, just one more, then we're done" we collectively groaned, taking part in more of the same animations and missions for the sixth time in the main series' canon (eighth if you count spin-offs Liberation and Freedom Cry). Every time we assure ourselves that after this year, unless Ubisoft could bring out something spectacular, it's time to put the series to bed.

In a move that's dividing gamers yet again, the French development team has decided that instead of getting away from the complaints of annual games, they'd double-down; giving us two new titles this year. Initially it was a one-way trip back to Groansville, but what if the decision to split the series up more was so they can innovate with one, and stick to their guns with the other?

As Rogue is confirmed as a single player-only experience, what do you want to see from a title that's essentially an Assassin's Creed spin-off?

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