Call of Duty Ghosts: 10 Things To Improve

5. Multiplayer Matchmaking


There are two types of gamers: casual, and hardcore. The casual guy or gal searches a game in their spare time, maybe finds a decent lobby, performs to their expectations, and maybe plays a few games before they go out, take a nap, or call it a night. The hardcore gamers? Oh boy... We spend all night at Gamestop to pick up our prize, then immediately head home to dive into the game, with some junk food on the side. We have extensive friend lists and clan mates, and once a full party of six or nine is on, the destruction commences. My clan frequently gets Gold or Silver in the Elite Ops and we regularly play/destroy unsuspecting newbs for hours at a time, actually not quite fair. Skill-based matchmaking in public lobbies is unlikely, as it would make the process more difficult than it already is. Finding a decent lobby of teammates in any public match while playing solo is always a crap shoot, however I believe it may make for a more rewarding and challenging experience. Just because the system benefits me and my evil, remorseless clan-mates doesn't mean I can't see how an experience like this can ruin the game for someone - nobody should consistently play just to constantly get stomped, and I think the smallest implementation of skill-based matches can help this.

I'm a technologically savvy Sony Gamer born in the epic city of New Orleans, currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications in South Carolina. When not losing hours of my life with a controller in my hand, I'm probably losing hours of my life typing endless words into a keyboard, my attempt at this thing called "technology journalism". Hi there.