Days Gone: 13 Essential Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

12. Police Cars ALWAYS Contain Ammo

Days Gone

There's nothing worse than being out in the wilderness, stuck without ammo but being so close finishing up a side mission. You'll always slog through rather than returning later, usually making improvised weapons and adopting hit and run tactics, but an easy way to get more ammo if you've ran dry is to check to see if there's any police cars nearby.

Abandoned vehicles can 99% of the time be looted, and while said loot is sometimes random, the trunk of a police car is always home to an ammo supply.

Going from car to car can admittedly be a little tedious, so knowing what to prioritise can not only net you some much needed resources, but speed up the open world tedium.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3