First UNCHARTED 3 Review Released Scores 9.9
Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing that was posted in the review as according to reports the author spoiled the ending of the game for fans.

"Can you, journalists & reviewers, make sure you dont spoil the games in your reviews. Please Thank you!"This is unfortunate because I would advise people to be very careful when reading message boards and forums for risk of running into the ending spoiler. I hate when this happens because I have had a few games spoiled for me in the past by accidentally reading message boards or forum posts with no spoiler tags. The online review embargo will be lifted on Monday 24th October, 5pm, just be careful where you get your Uncharted 3 info from because there is always at least one jerk who will try and spoil the game for everybody. Over the weekend WhatCulture!'s hands-on preview of the game will be going live and we will make sure not to include the spoiler for anyone! Uncharted 3 will be released in the US on November 1st and in Europe November 2nd.