God Of War 4: 6 Potential Directions It Could Take

An easter egg hints that the next God of War could take place in... the modern day?!

The epic conclusion of God of War 3 left Kratos in poor physical shape, but, with his demons both real and metaphoric well and truly slain, it was a fitting end to his journey. Yet, the series that has long-served as a showcase of PlayStation might, and the blood-soaked yardstick that all hack-n-slash games are measured against is destined to endure. God of War 4 is in the works at Sony€™s Santa Monica studio, but what form the PS4 adventure will take is anybody€™s guess. A trio of prequels have already explored Kratos€™s troubled backstory, and further outings for the Ghost of Sparta come with the risk of diluting the saga entirely. That said, Sony hasn€™t painted itself into a corner where the future direction of God of War is concerned. There€™s scope for a spinoff, and if all else fails, well, they can always flip the reboot switch. With the next instalment in the series currently having more in common with real of myths and legends at time of writing, here are six potential avenues that Sony Santa Monica could take the game along.

6. Kratos Returns To Take On Gods From Other Mythologies

After avenging the death of his kin in God of War 3 and laying waste to virtually every beast and deity Greek mythology has to offer, where Sony can take Kratos next is a conundrum the size of Mount Olympus. Retiring the irate demigod would likely divide the fanbase. On the one hand, his story reached a satisfying - if slightly ambiguous - conclusion during the PlayStation 3 era, but on the other, can we really have a God of War game without Kratos? There€™s little left to pillage from Greek scripture, so if Sony are set on bringing the angry cueball back for another bloody rampage, the pages of other mythologies could serve as deep wells of inspiration for them to draw from. Kratos is running out of reasons to be angry, but it€™s a safe bet to assume that the gods of Norse and Roman mythology would put a bee back into his proverbial bonnet if they were thrown into the mix together. As the series€™ has been firmly rooted in the Greek myths up until this point, a bold move like this could result in an unholy mess of conflicting ideologies, but who wouldn€™t want to see Kratos ripping the head off Mars or bashing Thor to a pulp with his own hammer?

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