Mass Effect 3 DLC: 5 Things We’re Hoping For In The Final Update

5. Romance


€œYes, Bioware did a great job with my love interest in ME3... I was thrilled!€ €“ Everyone who romanced blue space babe Liara. €œ...Sigh€ €“ Everyone else. Romance is far from the most important aspect of the Mass Effect franchise, and is often over exaggerated in the press. The last thing we want to see is the series to develop into a soap opera in space, so a purely romantic DLC would be extremely unwise, particularly as the last single-player DLC ever released. However, Bioware has spent a lot of time and care allowing gamers to build up relationships with characters during the first two games, and many felt that their own particular love interest was underdeveloped in ME3, especially those who were introduced in ME2. Let€™s hope that the romances (which mean a disturbing amount to some players) are expanded upon and given more care during the final DLC than in the main game, where they felt rushed. As did some other aspects of the game, such as...

Laurence Gardner was born in Canterbury, England. After moving around various cities during his childhood, and spending some time travelling in Europe and America, he studied English Literature at Oxford University. Since then, he’s been living abroad, teaching English, learning a range of languages, and writing in his free time. He can currently be found in Heidelberg, working as an English Tutor and Translator and studying at the University. If you liked this article, follow him on Twitter to get automatic updates on his work.