Rocket League: 10 Essential Tips & Tricks You Need To Know
5. Conserve Your Boost
Its understandable that everyone overuses the boost ability in Rocket League in their first few hours. In fact, as soon as you discover the game even has a boost button youll no doubt keep your finger on it the entire match. Even after you inevitably run out of it after about 10 seconds. Instead, once that original novelty has worn off, you want to conserve what little boost the game actually gives you and constantly keep the meter topped up. Although it might seem selfish at first, you want to be going out of your way to get the power ups in the corner of each stadium when you can to completely refill your boost meter. Although moving away from the action for a few sections will no doubt go against every gaming instinct you have, it will be more than worth it when you can nail those game-saving demolitions or airborne shots after the couple second detour.