The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the latest in a franchise that has dominated the open world RPG. In 2006, Oblivion wowed audiences with its huge sprawling vistas and incredible wealth of content. Yet, five years is literally an age in gaming and while we are still using the same hardware, what can be done with it has evolved hugely. So does Skyrim raise the bar for the series or rehash Oblivions past glory? Bethesda have been busy little bees and have taken everything they learnt with Oblivion andFallout 3 and well, it is easy to say that Skyrim has improved upon Oblivion in every way. For your viewing pleasure we have summarised our full written review into high definition video. We are sooo current. So check out our video bellow to see what we thought of the game and see how pretty it is too. Skyrim is out now on Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.