Square Enix Site Hacked
The site uses no credit card data so no one is at risk of loosing their credit card information.

"We are assessing the full extent of this potential breach to determine what data, if any, was compromised and will provide more details as soon as possible. While some personal information may have been accessed, we can confirm that there is no possibility of any credit card information leak from this incident, since the server in question stores no credit card information. We estimate that the suspension will continue for a few days until we complete our investigation and counter-measures. We will update you as we learn more.They added;
"We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the temporary suspension of the SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS service. We take data security extremely seriously and we regret any inconvenience this may have caused our customers and fans. We appreciate your patience and support at this time."There have been so many video game sites hacked in the past few years I have lost count; luckily this hack seems to contain less risk for users because of the lack of credit card data used with the service. Hopefully more gaming companies start to beef up security so they can at least try and prevent some of these hacking incidents that seem to be occurring every month now.