The newest episode of
Playing Dead dives behind the scenes again as they talk to writers for the game on expanding the Walking Dead universe with new characters. Most importantly, they discuss choice within the game and how it impacts that experience that players get once the game releases. Just like in the comics and show, when a choice is made, it's made. There is no going back. In order to make sure the game pushes forward there's no backtracking up dialogue trees and this forces players to think carefully about what they say, even if it may seem insignificant. While they won't be punishing you for your decisions by affecting gameplay, they're aiming to make your decisions carry an emotional weight. Creating an emphasis on the player having to truly live with a choice that may have led to the death of a character.

A point early on in the game the little girl Clementine asks you, "What do we do now?" You are forced to choose an option of maybe exiting out the back door immediately, or hunkering down and waiting. Depending on what you choose will create a different outcome within the game. This was illustrated with the beautiful example of the game essentially being like a graphic novel that you can come back to and find the pages are completely rewritten and drawn with a different storyline. No matter how you look at it The Walking Dead is a story about choices, and what we become once civilization is in chaos. Each episode of the Playing Dead brings me more comfort knowing that Telltale Games is staying true to the heart of Robert Kirkman's series. Check out the full episode below. http://youtu.be/75vZLirRhyw