THQ to Shift Focus to Core Games
"THQ will be a more streamlined organization focused only on our strongest franchises."

"THQ will be a more streamlined organization focused only on our strongest franchises. The success of Saints Row: The Third is an example of what our revised strategy and focus can achieve. We have now shipped 3.8 million units globally and are currently expecting to ship between five and six million units lifetime on this title."In addition, THQ has stated that the DLC for Saints Row: The Third is the most profitable DLC that the company has ever made. So amid all the negative publicity, it seems that THQ has a bona fide hit on their hands with Saints Row. THQ does have a conference call next week so we may get some more solid details as to where the company is at financially. All this comes in the wake of a supposed former THQ employee lashing out against the company in a letter that basically calls for the heads of the CEO and other executive members. The letter is a bit on the lengthy side, but if you want to read it here is a link.