Top 9 Video Game Villains Of 2012

8. Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)

Ever known somebody who€™s a complete asshole but you love them anyway? Enter my abusive relationship with Handsome Jack, the chief antagonist of Gearbox€™s blockbuster sequel. Jack is the president of the Hyperion corporation and the self-declared dictator of Pandora. Much of Jack€™s interactions with the player are done via the player€™s communicator and often display the Hyperion honcho€™s love of juvenile humor. €œJust bought a pony made of diamonds, because I€™m rich, so, you know, that€™s cool,€ he tells you when he contacts you for the first time. For that rest of that particular quest, he continues to call you and give you updates on what he€™s going to name his diamond pony, which is an actual pony made of diamonds. He christens the beast €œButt Stallion.€œ This is the guy you€™ll be listening to all the way through your lengthy adventure on Pandora. However, he€™s surprisingly more than just a simple combination of dick jokes and maliciousness. As the game goes on, an unlikely, almost sympathetic depth to his character is revealed, if you take the time to look around for audio recordings related to Jack€™s history. I say €œalmost sympathetic€ because his origin story doesn€™t change the fact that he murders several of your chums, so uh, yeah, screw Handsome Sadsack and his weepy story.
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Javy Gwaltney is an aspiring author, screenwriter, and essayist from South Carolina. He also likes to write about video games. You can find his articles on those at Bitmob and Whatculture! If you like, you can follow him on twitter: