Wii U Headsets Confirmed for Launch
UK & Ireland Turtle Beach distributor Lygo International confirm the system will launch later this year.

@LaurakBuzz All I can say, is watch this space! We're planning a line of headsets slated to tie in with the Wii U launch ;) Lygo International (@Lygoworld) July 5, 2012Nintendo did support voice chat in some Wii games through their Wii Speak peripheral, a microphone and speaker that sit on top of your tv, but many gamers were unhappy that the systems only voice chat option was one that was designed for social chat rather than the headset style found on the PS3 and Xbox 360. This news is a good indicator that Nintendo plans to rectify this for the Wii U launch. Will we see an increased focus on competetive or hardcore Multiplayer? Will we see online Multiplayer become standard on the system? Only time will tell. What do you think of this news? Did you ever use the Wii Speak microphone? Do you plan to pick up one of these headsets at launch? Does this change your perspective of the system? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Source