THQ have today made available the WWE Divas Pack as downloadable content for the WWE 12 video game. Available for everyone worldwide on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network, the pack includes the Divas wrestlers Trish Stratus, Brie Bella, Nikkie Bella, Kharma, Alicia Fox and Vickie Guerrero as playable characters. The WWE Divas Pack is available for a purchase price of 80 Microsoft Points each for the Xbox 360 and for £0.7p each in the UK via the PSN. Alicia Fox has actually been made available for free of charge across all platforms. If playing the game as the female wrestlers is your thing, you now have a somewhat competitive Divas division roster. Plus, you can finally deliver some Stratusfaction to your WWE 12 gaming experience... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy8pp7iZShI Or you can squash your opponents like a bug with Kharma and her Awesome Bomb... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrOmNSdQVWk