WWE 2K15 Roster: 13 Underrated Wrestlers That Need Upgrading

9. Lita

WWE 2K14 Rating: 79WWE 2K15 Expected Rating: 85 Lita was one of the most innovative WWE divas ever. Her extreme ring style revolutionised the diva division, changing it from cat fighting to moonsaults and hurricaranas. She became a four time WWE women's champion and had some fierce matches with the likes of Trish Stratus along the way. So how can WWE 2K14 possibly only rank this legendary diva at a paltry 79? She deserves so much more. In addition to the exciting matches, she was a hell of an on-screen character too. The heel heat she attained in tandem with Edge was off the charts in 2005 to 2006. An elevated rating to 85 will better reflect her importance in the industry. She's certainly deserving of an equal toughness to her modern day equivalent AJ Lee.
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