WWE 2K18: 10 More WWE CAWs You Must Download
He's just a sexy boy, and he's your boy toy...

By now, hardcore fans of 2K's WWE series have probably smashed 2K18's Career Mode, fiddled around with Universe and even delved online. After all that, you may find yourself in need of something new to play about with, and that's where the Community Creations tab comes in handy.
The sheer beauty of Community Creations is that it doesn't discriminate against era, current promotion or even if a wrestler has ever been in WWE. It's tempting then to load up on guys like Kenny Omega, Hiroshi Tanahashi and others without looking to WWE's past for inspiration. This means the stars of yesteryear (and also some modern ones) can miss out.
If your PS4/Xbox One hard drive isn't already creaking under the weight of all those gorgeous CAWs available in just one click, then you're in luck. There are some real hidden gems on there you may have missed at first glance. It's time to put that right and fill up some more of those CAW slots...
10. Austin Aries

Creator: WizardOfThay
Downloads: 30,545
Starting with the self-proclaimed 'Greatest Man That Ever Lived'.
It's safe to say that WWE didn't squeeze the most from Austin Aries during his time with the company. Instead of pushing him in the more comfortable position of heel, creative cast Aries as a cocky babyface who challenged Neville for the Cruiserweight Title. After that, they didn't have any plans for the ex-ROH and TNA man and he was pushed aside.
WizardOfThay did the current Defiant Champion justice with their creation, and it shows in that 30,000+ download number. Also, we really appreciate the purple entrance attire and shades look. Set Austin's WWE run right by downloading this immediately.