WWE 2K18: 25 Most Downloaded CAWs

20. Dean Ambrose (The Shield 2014)

WWE 2K18 The Shield 14 Dean Ambrose
2K Games

Downloads: 8,629

Creator: TCBuhli

Let the Shield love in begin. Creators have been going daft for edits of Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose in Community Creations already. This one aims to capture Dean's outfit from the pre-split days back in 2014, and it does a decent job. If you can't be bothered creating a new attire for Ambrose, then give this a download.

The tactical vest is missing, so be warned. That's not too difficult to add in yourself, but then you may as well just create the attire from scratch when you're at it. If you like the slick look Dean has going on here, then it's a nice option, but those 8,629 downloads tell the story; this is the least exciting Shield '14 reskin available.

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