Ok, so you want rumours huh. Here is one for ya...
Batman on Film are reporting that former
Neighbours star and regular T.V. actor
Alan Dale will play the significant role of Salvatore Maroni in
The Dark Knight. In the comics Maroni is arch rival in the gangster world of Gotham to Carmine Falcone played by
Tom Wilkinson in
Batman Begins.
BIG SPOILERS BELOW.... DO NOT READ AND SKIP TO NEXT ARTICLE IF YOU WANT TO STAY PURE AND INNOCENT FOR NEXT SUMMER.... Maroni is the character who permanently scars the handsome District Attorney Harvey Dent when he throws acid at his face during a trial, which of course turns Dent into Two-Face. It's all but confirmed that Dale has role in The Dark Knight and when you think about it, what other role could he play in the movie? We already know that Harvey Dent is in the movie, so Maroni has to there somewhere.... so it all fits. I love what
Christopher Nolan is doing. He is staying as true to the comic as possible and by casting an actor like Dale, he is talented enough to leave a delible mark on a secondary but significant character just like Tom Wilkinson did in the first movie. source -
batman on film