Paul W.S. Anderson's film credits don't exactly leave you exicted about any potential flicks of his in the future. After getting off to a decent start with
Mortal Kombat (to be fair...shit movie, but because I played the game so much at the time I have a soft spot for it) it's gone all down hill from there. After Kombat came
Event Horizon a flawed movie with a couple of nice sequences then a terrible b-movie in
Soldier. Although
Resident Evil made a shit load of money, the movie was mostly panned by critics and so to was his last feature
Alien vs. Predator which is universally agreed upon to be absolute.....garbage. So it was annouced a while ago that his 6th feature movie will be an adaptation of the video game (yes another one, he loves his games!)
Castlevania which has now been annouced will carry a big budget of $50 million for Rogue Pictures. The movie will focus on the early origins of Count Dracula, with Anderson quoted as saying...
"You could almost call this movie 'Dracula Begins,'" Anyone that has read this site for any amount of time will know that I'm a big fan of the classic movie monsters with Dracula being my favourite. Yes there has been a lot of bad adaptations of
Dracula in the past, but with
Bela Lugosi and
Gary Oldman there has been some fantastic ones to. Can Anderson finally make a good movie on his sixth attempt or is he destined to produce shitty films for the rest of his life? It seems to me the guy is only kept in a job because the franchise movies he does are so popular in their original form that fans will want to see them anyway out of the curosity factor meaning he always manages to make a profit even though his movies suck. Come on mate, don't mess this one up! Listen to what your t-shirt says! source -
coming soon,