Cast your mind back to 12 months ago and commercials director
Joseph Kosinski was quickly and publically being positioned by Disney as one of their top filmmakers. Then... Tron Legacy opened and things changed. Suddenly Disney (I'm presuming of course) stopped taking Kosinski's phone calls, didn't want to know him. The firm yeses and enthuisasim to his pitching ideas had now turned to 'yeah, maybe Joe, maybe we'll make that'. Today however, those maybe's have turned into the more honest answer of 'no'.
Variety say Disney have officially dropped Joseph Kosinski's own adaptation of his summer released graphic novel
Oblivion and Kosinski and Radical Publishing will now have to find a new home home for their project, and presumably one that didn't catch Tron Legacy in December. The timing, as ever seems to be the case in Hollywood, is curious. Just two weeks ago
Karl Gajdusek (story editor on Dead Like Me) was brought in to re-write
William Monahan's screenplay, which had now be changed from Oblivion to the title of Horizons, but that just seems to have been a wasted couple of meetings at this point. The plot of the graphic novel is;
set in a future where the Earths surface has been irradiated beyond recognition and the remnants of humanity live above the clouds, safe from the brutal alien Scavengers that stalk the ruins. But when surface drone repairman Jak discovers a mysterious woman in a crash-landed pod, it sets off an unstoppable chain of events that will force him to question everything he knows.
The graphic novel is still set to be published in the summer and the premise still sounds pretty cool, and the concept images below are intriguing but after Tron Legacy, who gives this guy $100 million on an original project at this point?