Bond 23 already has the most talented director the series has ever known in Sam Mendes (Road to Perdition, American Beauty) helming, so why can't the upcoming film also have the greatest actor the franchise has ever known also? Sure the 007 series has already showcased legendary thesps Christopher Walken, Christopher Lee, Robert Shaw and Donald Pleasance among others over the past five decades and I'm not for a minute saying there's a chance here for a performance more iconic than Sean Connery in Dr. No, but if EON Productions can secure
Javier Bardem - that's taking things to a new level, talent wise.
Deadline say an offer is out to the Oscar winning Spanish actor for a mysterious 'starring role' in the new film and well you don't hire the man who transformed himself as the ultimate psychopathic killer Anton Chigurh to be anything other than a formidable villain for Bond. Never has the Bond franchise attracted an actor at the very top of the Hollywood ladder and for me, Bardem is amongst the top 3 performers working today. The still untitled Bond 23 (though we do like the rumoured
'Red Shadow' title) was recently set a Nov. 9th, 2012 release date with
Daniel Craig and
Judi Dench both confirmed to return as Bond and M, respectively. The film is also being promoted publicly as a direct sequel to Quantum of Solace. Could EON be setting up Bardem to play the powerful head of Quantum, a role that seemingly cried out for a huge star?

It's been something of a frantic week for Bardem - Oscar nominated on Tuesday for his truly incredible turn in
Biutiful which came at around the same time he was offered the lead role in Universal's
ambitious t.v. and film project The Dark Tower which if he accepted, would pretty much take up his life for the next five years. Not only that but there's been this Bond offer and the welcoming of his first child with Penelope Cruz into the world. Big choice to make Friendo. Call it - Bond or The Gunslinger. Both will be filming this late summer. The Dark Tower series will carry with it more money and a bigger platform but the Bond franchise is so iconic and will only take up a 1/5th of the commitment. Though don't be surprised if he doesn't do either in the end. Bardem has never been a franchise actor and certainly in Hollywood he has never appeared in a sequel (he turned down the Bretton James role in Wall Street 2, only for his No Country co-star Josh Brolin to take it) or a blockbuster of any kind, usually gunning for serious drama's and obscure characters.

Meanwhile, it's being reported that MGM are struggling to find a studio distributor for Bond 23 (as they are wanting a commitment that goes beyond the 007 franchise, even so far as financial help towards other films) but hopefully these problems will soon evaporate and die down because we sure are excited as to how this Bond film is shaping up and we really don't want the series to be put on hold again.