In the midst of all the drunk driving charges and anti-semitic reports on
Mel Gibson that have been all over the media this past week comes the rumour that he is in talks to return to the
Lethal Weapon franchise. Here is the scoop from
Rotten Tomatoes... "Word has it that the sobriety-challenged Mel Gibson has jumped aboard the production of "Lethal Weapon 5," which the actor-turned-director had, until recently (read: until the events of last week) not considered joining. But, since his Holocaust mini-series has been cancelled, Gibson's schedule has cleared up -- and it wouldn't hurt on the PR front to give fans another "Lethal Weapon." I think the quote that Gibson wasn't interested until what happened last week sums it all up really. At this point in his career, the last thing that Mel wanted to do was to return to that franchise but because of all the bad press he has been getting he probably feels like he has to win back the fans with a crowd-pleaser. I'm all for it, I was a big fan of the first two Lethal Weapons, and even though the sequels kept dropping in quality, they were still pretty fun. What do you guys think? Do you want to see the franchise return or do you prefer Mel's career as a serious director? source -
Rotten Tomatoes