The Thing remake is a go!

200px-The_Thing_DVD.jpgDisappointing news of the day folks. Strike Entertainment and Universal Pictures have annouced that they are going ahead with a REMAKE and not a PREQUEL of the John Carpenter classic The Thing. Battlestar Galactica writer Ronald D. Moore is the man chosen to pen the script, after two months of searching for a writer which we reported here back in September. As much as this news sucks, we should of course remember that John Carpenter's superb version of The Thing was in itself a remake of the Howard Hawks 1951 film The Thing From Another World. So if Carpenter can make a remake which is even better than the original then why can't it be done again? Well simply because The Thing is like The Godfather or The Empire Strikes Back... you just don't remake those films. The producers are quoted as saying the film will be more of "a companion piece" to Carpenter's version rather than a shot by shot remake. Seriously guys don't bother, remaking The Thing is not going to work... just look how The Fog remake turned out. source - variety, coming soon
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Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.