9 Songs That Endorse Cheating On Your Partner

"It wasn't me"!

If I've learned anything from the music business (and I probably haven't), it's that life for a music star is like one, decades-long scene from Caligula: a hazy combination of sex, drugs, and hardcore depravity that may or may not involve Helen Mirren and acts of bestiality. Also, no one outside of Taylor Swift seems that worried about cheating on each other. Well, okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. After all, there are countless songs about the heartbreak that stems from finding out you've been cheated on. It's the kind of raw, visceral pain that even million dollar recording contracts and worldwide fame don't help you get over. (If Beyonce's so affected by it, none of us have a chance.) Still, for every plaintive cautionary tale about the agony that's triggered by a passionate love affair, there's another song that responds to those sorrowful cries with "Chill out, it's just some side action. Gotta get mine!" So it would seem that musicians are pretty well split in answering the basic question, "Should you cheat?" In fact, you'll probably be surprised at the number of otherwise upstanding people whose final word on the matter is, simply, "F*ck yeah, you should!"

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.