12 Majorly Insulting Comments That All Girls Are Sick Of Hearing

Why do you walk like such a girl?

Britney Youre Getting On My Nerves Gif Gif The whole point of feminism is that it creates an environment and a world of equal rights between men and women. Women who tear down men aren't feminists, they're the ones who are being sexist. Not all men are the issue here, but there are a few out there who still see women as second class citizens and that's just ridiculous. Although men were created first if you follow the story of Genesis, God quite quickly realised that men couldn't survive very long without a woman to help him along the way, as an equal. Also, Adam and sheep were incompatible. So listen up guys, you might think that you're helping when you say certain things but you're really not. And ladies, if a guy says any of these things to you, refrain from punching him in the neck and feel sorry for him because he's been neglected with your lack of amazing company for his entire life and isn't used to a woman with strength, humour and confidence and that is a sad thing.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com