17 Famous Phrases And Where They Come From

Who would have thought that the phrase 'saved by the bell' was so morbid?

There are some sayings out there that you're not entirely sure where they came from, but you've just accepted them into your quotidian language because everyone else does, and they're universally known. Take the phrase 'upper crust' for example, where does that term originate from? Back in the olden days bread was divided up according to status whether that was in society or within the family. Workers and children got the burnt bottom half, family members got the middle and guests or the aristocrats got the upper crust to eat. Language evolves over time and it changes to fit the current societal and technological climate. Although there are some sayings that have stood the test of time and you'll probably hear your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren using them too; well you'll hear them say it from heaven because you'll be long gone. Unless your mind is installed into a robot for all eternity... So if you've ever wondered where phrases such as 'cat got your tongue' or 'no spring chicken' comes from, then you're in for an absolute treat.

17. "It's Raining Cats And Dogs"

What it means: It's raining cats and dogs is a term that everyone uses as a hyperbolic example of how bad the weather is. When it's raining hard and the roads are barely visible, everyone becomes a weatherman by using this phrase and although it's not exactly technical jargon, it is widely translated as 'do not go outside.' Where it comes from: Back in the olden days when people had to build their own houses by themselves, the roofs would be made from straw and mud with wooden beams for support. This was one of the main places that animals would go to keep warm during bad weather and this ranged from dogs, cats and even mice. So when it rained, leaks often found their way through the roof making those beams very slippy. Hence the phrase, it's raining cats and dogs as the animals would sometimes fall from the ceiling. This is also why canopy beds were invented, as the material covering the bed was used to stop bugs and dirt falling from the roof into the bed.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com