21 Problems Only Hangry People Will Understand

When you literally eat your feelings.

Tina Fey Wheres My Mac And Cheese Gif Gif It's the eternal question: should you break up or should you go and get a sandwich? And should you then apologise for what you said when you were hangry? Probably. It is true that you're not you when you're hungry, and when you belly is rumbling and your blood sugar is low, you're going to get very cranky very quickly. It's not that people should avoid you, but they should learn when the right time is to throw food at you and then slowly back away. That's a mark of true friendship right there. Being hangry is one of the most under-appreciated emotions out there and it's genuinely proven (by the wonders of science) to be a legitimate thing. You can become short-tempered, frustrated and your brain will say things that you don't mean. But come on, you're hungry, people can't expect you to remain in a rational state of mind, surely? And if you thought hangry problems started and ended with wanting food, you're in for an enlightening journey...

21. You Have To Apologise... A Lot

You're always hungry and that makes you grumpy enough, but when you're hangry you're worse than Voldemort, Red Foreman and the Hulk combined. You just can't tolerate people looking at you let alone asking you questions, and before you know it, you're unleashing the beast and verbally annihilating everyone in the office for the slightest crimes. Like breathing. Years of pent up frustration is revealed just before lunch time every day, no matter how much breakfast you had. There's now very little point in apologising, considering how far you've escalated the name-calling, but that doesn't mean it's not right to still say you're sorry.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com