21 Things All Build-A-Bear-Workshop Employees Will Understand

My bear is special, I brought it to life, I chose it, stuffed it, and now I am taking it home...

Build-A-Bear-Workshop employees know what it is to have patience, understanding and the ability to see how busy the store is and not run away screaming. This is an important quality that is entirely underrated. Who knew in your early years that you would need to know the importance of bears wearing underwear? Or that you would be more nervous for the first time on the stuffing machine than you were during you know, your first tim? Regardless of how tough it can get sometimes, you are pleased with how happy you can make the children during their visit to your store and there really are more nice kids than evil kids - something that you've came to notice. Or at least pray for. You have the Bear Promise drummed into your mind because of the obscene amount of birthday parties that you do on a daily basis and whenever you tell people where you work, they're always completely baffled as to how you're still alive and how you have a positive outlook on life. And of course, you're only working there for your love of teddy bears, it has nothing to do with your wage at the end of the month. Employees across the globe can unite with the one major thing in you all have in common; your ability to conquer everything at Build-A-Bear Workshop despite getting freaked out by the hundreds of empty skins staring at you in the stockroom...

21. You Truly Hate Every Holiday With A Passion

Like every retail worker, you absolutely dread the holidays and even though you used to look at Christmas with the same enthusiasm as Buddy the Elf. No matter where you look, there are children everywhere. You can't move for them, you have no idea if they're with their parents and the store is so constantly busy that you could just break down into tears. But seeing as how you're a professional, you wait until your lunch break or after your shift has ended to have a little cry. It's what Santa would have wanted.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com