The 10 Greatest Show Tag Lines From The Jeremy Kyle Show

"Get a job and put something on the end of it!"

The legend that is Jeremy Kyle has been gracing our screes for the past ten years and it's been a joyous yet soul destroying decade. But it's always the highlight of your day when you finally get a chance to watch this glorious hour of mid morning television. You're not entirely sure where the contestants come from or how they even manage to get through their day without accidentally setting everything they own on fire, but you can't find the power inside yourself to change the channel. Maybe that's a little bit harsh, but you when read some of the tag lines on the show and listen to some of the things that they come out with, you know that it was so worth calling in sick for. Oh and in case you were wondering...

10. These Guys Have Just Lost Their Way

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Jeremy Kyle
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever.