10 Craziest Boxing Press Conferences

7. Herbie Hyde Vs. Michael Bentt

In 1994, British heavyweight Herbie Hyde secured a title shot against WBO champion Michael Bentt, who won the belt by beating Rocky V star Tommy Morrison with a sensational first round knockout. Although the contest was for the WBO belt - the lesser regarded of the four major boxing championships - the fight gained major media buzz after the two fighters came to blows at a pre-match press event.

Outside of the Sheraton Park Tower Hotel in London, Hyde, in an attempt embarrass his opponent, knocked Bentt's baseball cap off his head and into a puddle. In retaliation, the American pushed Hyde to the floor, which prompted the Nigerian-born fighter to throw a punch before all hell broke loose. The two heavyweights exchanged blows and grappled to the floor, before being broke up by their handlers.

Hyde went on to knock Bentt out within eight rounds to win the WBO championship, while Bentt - who was hospitalised after the fight - never stepped foot in a boxing ring again due to brain injuries sustained during the contest.

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Jason is a thirty-something manchild, who is on a quest to prove the truth he knows in his heart - that Arnold Schwarzenegger is his real dad!