10 Actors Who Played More Than One Character In Star Trek

4. James Sloyan

Another regular on the Star Trek circuit is James Sloyan. Always professional, always believable and with an emotional depth and breadth that he can make any character come to life. But those talents cannot be hidden behind any mask and we are never fooled when we see him pop up again. Yet, he manages to make each character unique and memorable for their own reasons. His most frequent role was as Dr Mora Pol in €œThe Alternate€ and €œThe Begotten€, both DS9 stories where he played a Bajoran scientist who studied Odo. But he had previously appeared in Star Trek Next Generation as other characters. Perhaps uniquely, he appeared in two different episodes as four different characters. In €œThe Defector€ he was an apparently lucky escapee who claimed his name was Setol, but he was discovered to be Admiral Alidar Jarok who the Romulans allowed to escape in order to ascertain his loyalty. In €œFirstborn€ he played the Klingon k€™Mtar who later turned out to be an older Alexander who had come back from the future to change his own path. Arguably though his best performance was as Ma€™bor Jetrel in the Voyager episode €œJetrel€. The mass murderer who caused the metreon cascade, a weapon of such awesome destruction that it somehow vaporised its victims. It was said to be a cloud that enveloped the moon of Rinax and resulted in the deaths of 300,000 people. Astonished by the power of the transporter he becomes convinced he can save the victims but alas, it is not to be. He succumbs to metremia after using Neelix as a guinea pig for a potential cure. A complex character to be sure and one which, in the hands of a lesser actor, may have been ridiculous. But with the ever impressive James Sloyan bringing life to the words on the page he was a character that spoke of vengeance and regret.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.